Tuesday, October 17, 2006

From Innovative to Odd

Baking is, to me, complete expression of my creativity and simple giddiness in my taste buds. This weekend, I experimented with some new flavors, mixing herbs with butter, sugar and flour to create a new breed of cookies. The exercise was clearly in sync with my creative needs - I generated a new formula, concocted my ingredients, heated them all in the oven, and viola...a new flavor was born. But truth be told, my taste buds did not get giddy. I smelled the aroma, was eager to take a bite, broke the warm specimen in half to observe its delicate texture, and then...shrugged in recognition that my new creation was "just alright". I don't think the fault rested in the recipe. The cookie rose to perfection, caramelized slightly in texture, and was crunchy and moist at the same time. The problem was me. What I want in a cookie is something sweet, not savory. I want chocolate, peanut butter, or nuts to sink my teeth into, not basil and rosemary. While these new recipes were in fact new and different, and dare I say, tasty, they lacked the essence of what a dessert should be. Is there a line where desserts should not cross, where they go from being innovative to odd? Let us know your thoughts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have a tendency to make all my meals sweet...one may think this is odd but i think it is ingenious---why wait for dessert....an omlete with cheese is good but if your sweet tooth is as large as mine, make an omlete with baked apples and cinnimon and an ordinary egg becomes a sweet treat. of course this is non-traditional but if its what i enjoy then why not, how did food "rules" get started anyway??? so i say lets make our own rules...if your not the sweet lover and salt and savory is your thing, spin your desserts in that direction and throw the norms out the window..however bakers lady i am on your page, chocolate and pb all the way...save rosemary for those savory fans!

5:38 PM  
Blogger bakerslady said...

I absolutely agree, Anoymous. Rules are SO yesterday. From now on brownies for breakfast for everyone. Well okay, we won't go overboard, but we could not have said it better ourselves.

11:07 PM  

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