Friday, December 22, 2006

Bad Cookies?

Can a holiday cookie be bad? Recently I tasted someone's much labored holiday cookie platter. It was full of so many varieties, I couldn't help but calculate the time involved in preparing such a spread. They warmly offered the cookies: a gesture of giving. None were particularly attractive. The flavors of each one had partially rubbed off on the others beside it, and some looked somewhat dry and crumbly. Nonetheless, I sampled. Cookies are my specialty, so I am not an easy critic. Sharing cookies with The Baker's Lady is like offering a prayer to the Pope - I already have my fair share. Yet, while they may not have been coveted recipes, I enjoyed each bite I had. This person offered their hard work on a plate for me to enjoy. They offered them willingly and humbly. So as we enjoy one another's holiday givings, no matter what it is, consider more than just the appearance and take a bite of what's inside.


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