Redefining the Bulge
This time of year, resolutions are aplenty with commitments to better fitness. This is often accomplished by reducing sweet indulgences and spending more time on the treadmill. These are solutions that I am certainly not arguing against. However, when I think about my own post holiday bulge and the foods that make my jeans feel like a rubber band squeezing in on my waist, healthy foods are often to blame. Can that really be the case? The truth is, because I consider desserts to be a treat of sorts, I generally don't consume 5x the portion size in one sitting. Granola, on the other hand, is another story. Because it is nutritious, a few handfuls seem harmless, when in reality I have often just consumed breakfast, lunch, and dinner in one swoop. Banana chips are another one of those healthy foods that I have a hard time managing, and California Mix - full of almonds, coconut and dried fruit - is a food that I just cannot keep in the pantry on a regular basis. It is not that these foods are "worse" for me than desserts. It is simply that because I perceive them as healthy, snacking on them when I am not hungry doesn't seem so bad, and since they are nutritious, the concept of moderation is not as easily disciplined. Does this mean that granola is off limits, but I can eat all the cookies I want? Unfortunately, that is not the case. However, as with any food, balance is critical. Learning to enjoy desserts is not a deal breaker for wearing skinny jeans, although overdoing healthy foods that are high in calories will not get you into them either. Before you swear off any foods, consider what your weaknesses are and what foods you really enjoy. Then find a balance. Ultimately, you have to choose what works well for you.
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