Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Science Behind Cravings

I just read an article from a summer issue of Time magazine about our evolutionary predisposition to over-eat and was fascinated. I am an admitted science geek and believe that my love of experimentation with food ties directly with this side of my brain. Today, grocery stores are lined with aisles of produce from around the world and ready-made mixes of just about anything you can imagine, but this was not always the case. Cravings once designed to make us actively seek out nutrition are now the source of gastric bypass surgeries. Finding balance is easier said than done. Enjoying the foods we love in moderation enables us to give into cravings, but with that comes discipline. I think the most important thing to remind ourselves when faced with the difficult position of walking away from a deliciously crispy, crunchy bag of Kettle Chips is that tomorrow is another day. That said, the next time I go over to the cabinet and reach for something salty, then sweet, then back to salty, I can blame it on science. How liberating! I knew I loved it for a reason : )


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