Monday, March 26, 2007

Testing Recipes on Friends

When it comes to entertaining, creating a meal that isn't stressful is a key to success. While a dinner party might seem like a great time to test out some new recipes, the element of uncertainty can leave you sweating from more than your oven. You have enough to worry about with creating the guest list, cleaning house, setting the table, arranging flowers, and deciding on music that the food shouldn't be a gamble. While logic tells us to stay safe with a menu we know, it is not uncommon to think of a gathering as the perfect time to try something new. I have found the best way to balance the need to feed feed hungry guests and experiment with new flavors is to only try one new dish at any dinner party. The majority of what you prepare should be tried and true. Side dishes area a great way to safely tapp into your recipe books. Food that can be prepared ahead of time is also a great outlet, because frankly if it doesn't work out and you have time on your side, the downside is minimal. If dinner doesn't turn out to be everything you hoped for, the best solution is to relax, smile, and open another bottle of wine. There's few things that a good laugh can't fix.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.

5:26 AM  

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