The Time Continuum
Where does it all shake out in the kitchen? There are some days when time is non-existent and there are other days when you have some time to spare. How you decide what's on your menu should follow suit. Personally, I don't believe any one approach - I believe the solution is determining where you fit in the continuum any one night. By learning and practicing different styles of cooking, you will be able to switch gears depending on your mood and everything else you have going on that day. You have read about some super fast meals in my earlier entries: flatbread pizzas, quesadillas, salads and sandwiches. Those are excellent choices when time is of the essence. Other fast and easy solutions include sauteed shrimp, pan seared scallops, and grilled chicken, which you can make in less than 10 minutes. That being said, not every night is equally hectic, and there is something to be said for taking it a little slower (I can attest to this personally since I am affectionately know as "the hurricane" because of my typical whirlwind pace.) When you have time, enjoy it. Relish in it. Nourish yourself in it. When you don't feel the pressure of time, you might also be more likely to pick up a pot and pan and do some cooking. In those cases, try making a roast, or a big pot of stew. These dishes are more time intensive, but so what, you have a little to spare. You will find that something that takes a little time is not the same as being difficult. In fact, you might even enjoy it.