Thursday, August 14, 2008

Snack Attack

Often, when I am eating, I look down to see two sets of big brown eyes staring at me longingly. Their stares are not dependent upon cuisine. Whether eating brussel sprouts or chocolate cake, they follow me. I was raised to share, so I feel bad leaving my dogs out. Not everything I eat is safe for them, but on occasion, we can both enjoy a treat together. Once, on an evening alone, I decided we deserved something special and bought three t-bone steaks. I gave one to each of them fresh from the butcher block (although I did cook my own) and I think from that day forward they loved me more than ever. Not every treat has to be an extravagance though. This video shows how you can make an easy and heathy snack that will leave both you and your dog satisfied. You can also access the video on YouTube.

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